Lights of Lugoff Parade

From Rochelle Doty, Director of the Palmetto Home School Band would like to invite anyone interested to join them to participate in the Lights of Lugoff Parade.  Here is her message:

Portions of the Palmetto Home School Band will be participating in the Lights of Lugoff Parade on December 14th. It is a night time parade in Lugoff lit up by Christmas lights. We would be gathering around 4pm to get organized into the parade line, the parade starts at 6:30.

As you guys know, this is outside of the band’s normal comfort zone and it’s something we are excited about. For us, it will be relatively low key. We are having some Christmas music arranged for us and we will play it on the back of a trailer pulled by a truck. Kind of like the hay-ride version of band. The music will be easy and fun. The music will be “flex scored” which means there will be a part for kids who just started this year as well as more challenging parts for kids who have been playing longer.

We are planning to have 1 or 2 extra rehearsals to practice the music. Those dates aren’t nailed down yet and will be subject to availability of kids and parents and the facilities that we use for practice. We will be wearing Christmas clothes and if you’d like to decorate your instrument or yourself in battery powered lights or sequins etc that would be fantastic. They can be found inexpensively on Amazon and other places.

We would really love for anyone who would like to be included to play along with us! I know some of you guys already have friends in the Palmetto band and it would be great to have some more friendly faces join us.

If you are interested in participating and would like to hear more, please email

Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you guys.

-Rochelle Doty
Palmetto Home School Band